dumpster dive

  • I Auditioned for MasterChef with Ingredients I Found in the Trash

    I took partly rotten food and presented it not very artfully, in a competition for people whose goal in life is to someday have a Michelin star.

  • I Dumpster-Dived with a Bunch of Freegans

    I hung out with a bunch of freegans, a group dedicated to saving anything that people wastefully throw away. We groped through the dirty trash bins of several reputable grocery stores and then cooked and ate our findings. Health-code violations be...

  • I Dumpster-Dived with a Bunch of Freegans

    I hung out with a bunch of freegans, a group dedicated to saving anything that people wastefully throw away. We groped through the dirty trash bins of several reputable grocery stores and then cooked and ate our findings. Health-code violations be...
