
  • Germany's Blood-Drenched Debt Could Save Greece's Economy

    Some Greeks are claiming Germany owes them $211.5 billion, including interest, for being complete assholes during WWII. Needless to say, that would put quite a dent in Greece's financial woes.

  • Can Britain Handle the Rapes, Killings, and Clans in Somalia?

    There's a big meeting in London tomorrow to talk about all of Somalia's problems. Officials from the UN, the African Union, the IMF, and 50 countries will be there to impart their wisdom/spout platitudes in a bid to help Somalia rebuild itself after...

  • Would You Eat a Family Member to Survive?

    With stories of starving rural families killing and eating their own children to survive coming out of North Korea over the last couple of weeks, we began to argue over whether it was OK to eat your parents. To answer the question definitely, we asked...