fashion issue

  • RIP Joan Rivers

    If there’s a lesson to learn from Rivers' life in this age of basic bitches and thinkpieces, it’s to fuck decorum and stay lowbrow.

  • Herb Ritter

    Photos by Ben Ritter and styling by Annette Lamothe-Ramos.

  • The Great Lost Expedition Brand

    In 1903, during an Arctic mineral-hunting expedition, an geologist by the name of Ben Willis discovered that most clothing doesn’t hold up in 100 mph winds and -60 °F temperatures. Ben returned to New York and started designing garments that could...

  • Why Not Rent Your Head to Advertisers?

    We’re not sure if Andrew Lardinois was inspired by his mallrat days or came up with the idea of making extra cash by shaving the logos of local businesses into his hair all by himself. So far, he’s served as a walking commercial for a liquor store, a...

  • VICE Presents The Fashion Issue Launch

    A little while ago we pledged to throw a party every month. It made perfect sense to shack up in one of our favourite venues, The Liberty Social. But just to keep you on your pretty little toes we’re moving to the Tote

  • Johnny Marr Takes Music and Fashion Seriously

    Music and fashion go together like pedophiles and children. It’s always been an uneasy, somewhat forced relationship that results from perversion and mental illness. Johnny Marr is one of the few musicians who got it right.

  • The World's American Dream

    For this American-themed Fashion Issue we thought it would be interesting to ask our international offices to get in touch with their countries’ most influential designers and fashion icons to see what they thought of our country’s fashion sense.

  • Denim All Day

    Photos by Richmond Lam and styling by Olivia Whittick.