
  • Ballot Initiative

    In this rousing visit to Flowertown, we find that Henry Hotchkiss is now petitioning to replace the faces on money with pictures of dogs.

  • Stink Hair Stu Playing House

    Stink Hair Stu will do what it takes to keep the magic alive in his marriage.

  • Everyone Wants Miss Juniper's Panties

    The mysterious and disgusting 40 Acres Club is devising a scheme to get Miss Juniper to send them her underwear, but Juniper can sense something's wrong. And is Detective Connifer getting to the bottom of the mystery of Flowertown or being twisted by...

  • Catching Crabs in Flowertown

    How do you tell male from female crabs? Find out with help from Flowertown citizens Doofus and Henry Hotchkiss.

  • The Detective Is Still Stuck with Miss Juniper's Panties

    When we last left Flowertown, the Detective was stuck with Miss Juniper's panties. What shady business is going on concerning the constant theft and resale of her bike seat? And who are Doofus and Henry Hotchkiss?

  • What Kind of Pervtown Is This Place?

    The investigating detective discovers just how strange Flowertown is when Miss Juniper's bicycle seat is repeatedly stolen. What kind of pervtown is this place? And will Miss Juniper ever get back the underwear that someone died attempting to steal?