nice guys

  • Offline Activism Is the Tricky Part for #YesAllWomen

    Over the weekend, an offshoot of the American Revolutionary Communist Party organized a series of #YesAllWomen-based rallies in Seattle, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, and San Francisco. The tweets were better.

  • Juggalos Are OK, Cupid

    OkCupid Juggalos is a Tumblr devoted to pointing and laughing at people who get panic attacks, work at McDonald's, run possum adoption agencies, and happen to be Insane Clown Posse fans. Why are people cool with it?

  • Deerhoof Don't Want to be Understood

    We thought it was dumb when some recent articles described Deerhoof as a new band. But then we spoke to Greg Saunier and he told us it was pretty much all his fault.
