
  • Deep-Fried America on a Stick

    For 11 days in August, a total of 1,012,552 visitors passed through the turnstiles at State Fair Park in West Allis, a suburb of Milwaukee. They came for deep-fried cookie-dough fondue on a stick, deep-fried peanut butter and jelly on a stick, deep...

  • Lincoln Clarkes's Vintage Photographs of Vancouver's Female Addicts Are Incredible

    When Lincoln Clarkes's Heroines series was first published and exhibited, public reaction was split: praised as humanizing a forgotten sector of society, and also condemned as exploitative and voyeuristic. We wanted to look back on the amazing...

  • Male Chef Is Food Porn’s Worst Nightmare

    At any given time, food porn occupies roughly 80 percent of all Instagram uploads, according to this sentence. Photographer and filmmaker Chris Maggio has had enough.

  • 20 Years in War Zones With Jack Picone

    Jack Picone is the guy to talk to if you have any questions about catching shrapnel in Armenia, the difference between militia and rebel wars versus traditional wars, and the importance of documentary photography.

  • Sam Wong Takes Photos When The Party’s Over

    Sam Wong's teen years alone in a big city introduced him to photography, hip hop, and the distinct characters that would populate his work.

  • Jack Shelton’s California Love

    Jack Shelton is a tall, attractive kid from Melbourne’s beachside suburbia with a fetish for California and weed—or “spinach” as he calls it.

  • Ben Kilpatrick's Tri-Coastal Photography

    For this week's Mahal, I got to talk with Ben Kilpatrick about what it is like to travel the country, photographing on and off his skateboard. Check out some of his most recent work and read our conversation about how NYC and LA inspire different kinds...

  • Tim Freccia

    When Tim was 16, he worked as a commercial fisherman in Alaska. After a few brushes with death, he switched to what he figured would be a safer career option: photography. But Tim’s subjects are often people living in dangerous conflict areas like...

  • Charles Cushman's America

    For more than 30 years, Charles Cushman documented his life with photographs. When he died, he gave them all to his alma mater, Indiana University. What archivists discovered was a unique portrait of Charles' world.