
  • I'm Short Not Stupid Presents: 'Castello Cavalcanti'

    If you can’t wait for Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel, then satiate your senses with his newest short, Castello Cavalcanti. Starring Jason Schwartzman, the film tells the tale of an American-born Formula race driver and his...

  • I'm Short Not Stupid Presents: 'Dumbass From Dundas'

    There’s something magical about a person so unwaveringly terrible that they can bring you, a person of decent moral standing, to your lowest (or their standard) level of being. Usually people call them teenagers, but in cult filmmaker Danny Plotnick’s...

  • I'm Short, Not Stupid Presents: 'Next Floor'

    During an opulent and luxurious banquet, complete with hordes of servers and valets, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this absurd and grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events...
