reading lists

  • Six Uniquely Terrifying Books for Halloween

    It’s the time of year when everybody is celebrating autumn by carving faces into various squash plants and thinking about weird monsters. That sounds cool, but I’m also into more complex forms of horror. If you are too, here's a list of books that...

  • Six Banned Middle Eastern Books You Should Read

    Writing can be a dangerous, even lethal profession in the region. In honor of the brave authors who continue to challenge censorship and Banned Books Week, we made you a reading list.

  • What Are These Freaks Reading?

    When summertime rolls around, all I want to do is stay inside and try not to sweat. I guess that’s why summer reading lists are a thing. In celebration of the year's most hellish season, I asked some writers I admire what books they’ve got piled up and...

  • The Juggalo Summer Reading List

    Yeah, Juggalos read books. They actually probably read more than you do, whoever you are reading this. I spent a while the other day going through Juggalo profiles on Myspace, OKCupid, and Wicked Nation (the terrifying Juggalo-only Myspace knock off...
