The Gangs Issue

  • Pregnant For 10 Years

    Laestadians are a Scandinavian version of the Amish. Modern life and all the deliciously sinful things that belong in it, like music (apart from hymns), dancing, TV, radio, the internet, and magazines are strictly verboten.

  • Vice Mail

    The last time there was a magazine that was this worthwhile, warts and all, was... um, never, so how about not reading it if it’s soooo boring or not as good or core or whatever? It’s shit like that that makes me really hate my generation.

  • I Was A Crip ... Sort Of

    I'm pretty sure I was a member of the blue-wearing gang, the Crips, from 2001 to 2002. I was on a lot of drugs then and have a piss poor recollection of all things, but I got a good feeling I was in the gang.

  • Grimewatch

    Wow. Where do we start? A lot has happened since the last Grimewatch update. So much in fact that we don’t have time to talk about Mercston getting put on a lengthy lockdown following an incident with a 15-year-old girl at the Prince’s Trust music...

  • Flying Solo

    Until not so long ago, Ariel Pink spent the better part of eight years sitting in his LA room, recording all kinds of variations on his amazing, vaguely melancholy, fuzzed up, lo-fi melodies that sound like they're from the future.

  • Laughter Yoga

    I was in Mumbai a little while ago, so I visited the Laughter Yoga club. That's this type of yoga where they meet in the park every morning and basically have group hysterics. It's not a club or anything-it's just a bunch of guys who get together and...

  • Hand Jive

    Setting aside for a moment the cred supremacy of inner-city housing projects-if the ghetto had a ghetto of its own, it would be Herschelwood. It is basically your favorite ghetto's favorite ghetto.

  • Vice Recommends

    Before we start, let's just point out that the aim of this column is to tell you about music videos that you can watch using a computer or whatever you use to connect to the internet. previously, we're sure you won't be able to competently find these...

  • I Joined Three Cults Simultaneously

    VICE made me join three cults for this issue: Adidam, the Moonies, and Aleph. Since Adidam tops the list of "controversial groups" at cult watchdog Rick Ross's website, I figured it'd be the best place to start.

  • Waco Shakedown

    Thirteen years after it went up in an apocalyptic blaze, the site where the Branch Davidians' Waco compound sat-and where a new Mt. Carmel Church was built in 1999 with help from famed radio nutbar Alex Jones-remains at the center of a bizarre conflict.

  • The Downsides Of Cocaine

    A few weeks ago I got a call from my dad saying my cousin had been murdered in a Colombian cartel slaying. He was found in a jeep abandoned on a highway, its engine still running, along with two other bodies.

  • Vice Fashion - Gangs Of Old New York

    We had a gang that started in high school. We called ourselves the Italian Dukes. We were so fuckin' broke, we had six jackets and maybe 30 guys.