The Imposters Issue

  • Employees of the Month

    Brayden has been in our regular stable of photographers for quite some time now, and he’s the one we’d most like to saddle up and ride like a donkey (in our world, that’s a good thing). He’s from Seattle, and despite spending the first 21 years of his...

  • Most Neediest Forgotten Charities

    During the holiday season, America's charities are highlighted in the popular media and, hence, deluged with donations. But each year, regardless of the economy or collective good will, some of the neediest of the of the needier needy charities are...

  • Sewing for the Heart

    “Sewing for the Heart” is from Yoko Ogawa’s new collection, 'Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales,' and it’s as perversely tantalizing as anything she’s written. In the story, a cabaret singer with a heart that developed outside her body hires a reclusive bag...

  • Never Party with the Brick Squad

    How a VICE reporter nearly died trying to hang with Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Flame.

  • Bulgaria’s Immigrant Bummer

    Bulgaria’s “special homes” are essentially prisons for immigrants. The official purpose of these centers is to detain illegal immigrants until they can be deported, but many long-term inmates are refugees seeking asylum who have gotten caught in the...

  • Superman vs. Spider-Man: A Porn Parody

    The most successful major motion pictures in recent years have been superhero movies, and the most lucrative pornos over the past five years have been spoofs, so it's no surprise that there have been a shit-ton of superhero spoofs lately.

  • I Was Tortured as a Bahraini Political Prisoner

    Bahraini journalist Ahmed Radhi was one of the 500 prisoners who were detained following the citizen uprising against Bahrain’s government that began in 2011. Ahmed told us about the supposed reasons for his detention and the poor conditions he faced...

  • Killing Up Close

    William Wold seemed fine when he came home from Iraq. Wold had begged his mother to sign a parental-approval form when he wanted to join the Marines at 17, taking extra online classes to graduate a year early in order to do so. But after four years of...

  • Selfies

    Anything that is commonly understood as the province of teenage girls or their proxies is understood to be something dumb. A “selfie” is understood to be dumb, and it really is, but it’s also the ordering feature of the internet.

  • What Means What Now?

    Did you know I was married? Of course you don’t. I didn’t tell you. I don’t really talk about her very often. To me, a wife is pretty much a backup plan. If I don’t get no shtuppin’ for a while, if my career falls apart, if I got no one else to turn to...

  • A Poem Leads to a Life Sentence in Qatar

    The Arab Spring has faded from headlines, but that doesn't mean governments have ceased oppressing their people. Case in point: Mohammed al-Ajami was just sentenced to life in prison in Qatar after reading a poem aloud at his house to a group of...

  • All Welcome the Bomb-Sniffing Mice Infestation

    An Israeli biologist named Eran Lumbroso wants to make mice the cutest little soldiers in the global war on terror, and if his efforts are successful they could result in mass layoffs of bomb-sniffing dogs.