The Natives Issue

  • Electric Independence

    If you love spending money you haven’t got on incredibly cool and expensive psychedelic disco records that you’ll play maybe four or five times before filing them away, then New York’s just-so Whatever We Want deserves to be your new favourite label.

  • VICE Pictures

    This is the only graffiti we saw on the island apart from on the bus shelter.

  • Shredding on the Rez

    I play drums in the band Defiant. We started about 15 years ago, me and Tom. Then I met his sister here and this band has taken off over the last four years. We’ve been playing out quite a bit. We play classic rock with a metal influence.

  • Tribal Gathering

    Yeborobo are a big adorable mess. They're one of these childhood friends bands that reads like the class in Saved By The Bell: the geek, the bully, the goth, the cool kid, the girl, the other geek.

  • Teaching the Teachers

    The first ever church built in Gällivare was the Lapp Church. They collected one penny of every person in Sweden and built it in 1747. It was a part of the christening of the Saami.

  • Boss Drum

    I made that skin over there, it's going to be what I bring to the touring exhibition we're going on with our school. The skin is just about finished, all I need are some branches from nature to make a frame.

  • VICE Fashion - Saami Boarding School

    In 1964 the board of education decided it was time to right some wrongs—like forcing kids to live in weird, exotic tents instead of houses and giving them shitty teachers—and built modern dormitories for Saami students whose parents lived far away.

  • Arctic Birdie

    Kulturkraft is a school project that has been initiated to make Swedish, Saami and Finnish culture meet without people cussing at each other. As a part of this project one class of Saami kids are making contributions to an art exhibition that will open...

  • Snow Place Like Home

    I've just finished my education. I have a master of technology, with computers as my major. I've broadened it with business administration and law.

  • Rez Dawg!

    Dogs hold a special place in the Blackfeet culture. They were the beast of burden before the horse was (horses only became an Indian thing after the white Spaniards brought them over). Blackfeet have four periods of history: Creation, Dog Days, Horse...

  • Offal the Menu

    One of the main delicacies on Barra is black pudding. It’s a tasty sausage of blood, fat and oats. We met a fisherman called Stu and his brother in-law Ian and they told us, over about 15 whiskies, how best to make it. That and another delicacy, sheep...

  • Army Rezerve

    I'm in the Army Reserve. I left for basic training about a year ago. I went to Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Right after we finished with basic, we headed straight out to AIT. That stands for advanced individual training.