travel guides

  • The VICE Guide to Vienna 2014

    Most of you think that Vienna is for old people, because we invented Mozart instead of hip-hop. Well, according to my mother Mozart's better, and Vienna is a great party town, so you should come and hang out.

  • The VICE Guide to Lisbon 2014

    Here in the Portuguese capital it’s so hot we have to party on the streets, we go until dawn and we’ve decriminalized all drugs. WAHEY! Here's a guide to our wonderful city.

  • The Vice Guide to Milan 2014

    While all the tourists make their bored pilgrimages to Rome and Florence, here in Milan we have the best food, the coolest fashion, the most attractive people and we all like going to bed early.

  • Road to Ruin

    The roots of the conflict in Syria stretch back centuries—namely to the battle between the Sunni Muslim majority and a mystical-Shia sect known as the Alawites. This timeline provides some context to the recent bloodletting and its supremely convoluted...

  • What Should We Think of the British?

    We read some tour guides to find out.
