Volume 13 Issue 2

  • Treat Them Like Bitches

    Over the past 20 years, although there were a handful of light-in-the-darkness bands, the majority of hardcore groups/kids/zines have been copycat losers, a zillion times removed from the founding principles of the movement.

  • Vice Fashion - Special Friends

    Specials is a new online dating agency for young people who have trouble holding down relationships due to the fact that they suffer from what society deems “embarrassing or inappropriate social behaviour.”

  • Girl Johns

    Guess what. Soliciting prostitutes is not a male-only enterprise any longer. Yes, I see that look on your face that says, “Nigga, ’scuse me?” But I’m 100 percent cereal here.

  • Not Another Gay Rapper

    In 1999, Detroit rapper MS-DL picked up a kid at a local nightclub, the Raven Claw, and took him back to his mom’s for the usual Friday-night deal. MS-DL doesn’t know for sure what happened that night—he pretty much blacked out.

  • Records

    Iggy Sniff is also in the Icelandic band Singapore Sling. This is a super narcotic solo thing, complete with Lou Reed covers and lots of tambourine. Classic.

  • Fashion Rocks Death Disco

    Karl Lagerfeld can still remember the first time he heard MSTRKRFT’s incendiary remix of Bloc Party’s “Two More Years.”

  • Reunited!

    For the record, Vice published the first-ever definition of the expression “bling bling” and we got it straight from the horse’s mouth. The year was 1999, and the interviewee was B.G., slang innovator and member of the world’s only gangsta boy band...

  • Eastern Promise

    Britain's cocaine intake has skyrocketed since Oasis made every asshole in old Blighty want a bit of the blow.

  • Gross Jar

    A lot of times when people bring up the Gross Jar with somebody from the magazine, they think they're being super clever by saying stuff like, "Man, what if something's alive in there" all sarcastically.

  • Electric Independence

    I’ll tell you what, sometimes it’s hard maintaining a level of professional enthusiasm every month for a load of records that, with the odd exception, basically sound the same.

  • Golden Showers

    The Gs, as they are known locally, have tapped into a previously undiscovered vein of gold in a massive quartz reef, which they say runs for about half a kilometre next to their village.

  • Black-market Kidney

    It cost $7,000 to buy the actual kidney, $1,000 to fly round-trip to Cape Town, South Africa, where the operation could be done legally, and $1,200 to fly the Brazilian bricklayer whose kidney is now inside me to Cape Town from São Paulo.