Volume 14 Issue 10

  • Electric Independence

    This month’s Electric Independence is dedicated to all the stubborn romantics who spend hours and hours in tiny rooms, slaving over arcane hardware and crunching numbers in a tireless bid to create the music that comes to them in their wildest dreams...

  • Video Games Killed The Radio Star

    MADDEN 08This is, not kidding, the 18th installment in the Madden video-game franchise. Doesn’t that make you kind of disgusted? The only thing that’s more disgusting than that

  • Upset Every Second

    There is only one MC who has ever beaten Wiley in a clash and that is Waltham Forest’s Durrty Goodz. Three or so years ago when the hunt was on to find out if the success of Dizzee Rascal wasn’t just a fluke, he looked like the most likely...

  • Fears Of A Clown

    You know Wavy Gravy: Before he was an ice-cream flavor, the ultimate 60s icon founded America's longest-running hippie commune, pulled all kinds of wacky political pranks like trying to elect a pig for president, and was the Grateful Dead's "official...

  • Tortured Artist

    Vann Nath is a painter from Cambodia. In 1977, he was sent to the Khmer Rouge prison Tuol Sleng, or S-21. While he was there, the guards found out he could draw, and had him paint propaganda posters and countless portraits of Pol Pot. More than 14,00...

  • Vice Pictures

    These pictures are from an upcoming book that will come out later in the year. A lot of the people in these pictures are from a local gang in East Nashville that consists mainly of thugs who are obsessed with the movie "Chucky." They ride around in...

  • Dream Catcher Earrings

    Pocahaunted make creepy music that eats away at your ears like a plague-ridden tapeworm. It's all low-level drones and voices from beyond the pale that clunk along in a shambolic, rootsified manner that Devendra and his band of catamite followers could...

  • Sound And Vision

    KTL isn't the sort of music you play to children. It's music for nightmares. The German phrase it abbreviates-Kindertotenlieder-translates as 'songs of the death of children', so you see where this thing could lead. As an exploration of the space...

  • Records

    50 CENTCurtis50’s Get Rich or Die Tryin’ is this generation’s The Chronic—let’s put that out there right now. But the Gorilla Unit boss has been falling off ever since

  • Do It!

    We couldn’t make it to the MOBOs this year. We didn’t go last year either. In fact, we’ve never been. The MOBOs are shit. They represent a large chunk of what is wrong with the world today. Okay, that’s not true, but they could have at least chucked...

  • Horror Show

    Southend-On-Sea is a portal to another topsy-turvy dimension where all the kids are these hipper-than-hip, ice cool gothic indie babes, with immaculate style, impeccable taste in music, and intimidatingly refined cultural know-how. It’s said that...

  • Drenched In Acid

    Holy Fuck is made up of lots of different people but most of the work is done by a couple called Brian Borcherdt and Graham Walsh. They never practice, hardly ever shave and wear hoodies that smell of wet dogs