Volume 15 Issue 4

  • Up-and-Comers

    Vice: When did you get into fashion? Telfar: I started designing clothes in high school—I basically used to make everything I wore.

  • Global Trend Report '08 - New York

    New York girls these days don't want to look cutesy and innocent-they want to be dark and fucked-up and maybe on speed and heroin.

  • I Love Fashion

    First, a clarification. To say "I love fashion" is much like saying "I love dogs," or "I love democracy." To love democracy is not to love it at all times and under every banner, like, say, when the wrong man wins the popular vote. And loving dogs does...

  • Fashion Yux


  • Records

    During the 2004 climax of Dipset mania, if someone told me that Cam’ron’s weed carrier would be the only dude in the crew anyone gave a shit about, I would have adjusted my oversize pink New Era to make sure I was hearing them right.

  • I Hate Fashion

    If you could see my feet-a blistered, corned, scarred mess of impenetrable calluses-you would wonder what the fuck is wrong with the brain of the girl attached to them.

  • Global Trend Report '08 - Copenhagen

    People in Denmark like to refer to themselves as "laid-back" and "mellow." They act like they don't give a hoot about fashion, or anything else for that matter, but they mix up as many styles as possible in order to acquire absolute nonstyle, and that...

  • Do It!

    Back in my university days, I luckily had one musical ally in the form of my housemate Jack. I'd spend all day looking out of the window and Jack would often come up, swing open the door, bang on one of his grime 12"s (DJ Eastwood and Oddz's "Champion...

  • Hunting High And Low

    They Came From The Stars I Saw Them have been around for nine years and have never strictly found fame, which isn't the most promising sell for a band. Weirdly, the London group have managed to retain this odd name-drop status within certain indie...