Volume 16 Issue 8

  • Vice Comics


  • Epicly Made Over

    Girl skateboarders aren't hot. It's just how it is. I wish they were but they're not. It's a dude's activity and so they feel they need to act/dress the part of a dude to get accepted.

  • Rock N Roll Camp Leaders

    Those Darlins are three ladies from Tennessee who make free, rollicking country inspired tunes, which sit very comfortably alongside the music of bands like The Black Lips, Heavy Trash and King Khan and the Shrines. The full band is Kelley Darlin...

  • Something, Something, Something, Detroit

    After suffering through the nation's worst and most concentrated examples of racial violence, industrial collapse, serial arson, crack war, and municipal bankruptcy following years of municipal kleptocracy, Detroit is being descended on by a plague of...

  • When Men Were Awesome

    This May I finally visited Mount Vernon, plantation home of America's first president, George Washington. Joe Preston escorted me. By this point, the burly bearded bassist (Earth, High on Fire, Melvins, Thrones) had joined me on three and a half tours.

  • International Libations

    An international game of wits that involves the stuff that makes it easier to have sex with ugly people.
