
  • Nine Months Living with a Junkie

    You watch a sad parent pack away his son’s clothes, digging through the wreckage. That’s when, maybe for the first time, I understand the depths of the disease my roommate and supposed friend has been living with. I could’ve done better.

  • Take a Stroll... with Rob Delaney - Changing Opinion

    I was holding my five-month-old son this morning and thought it would be fun to listen to some music and sway with him a bit. He can't quite dance yet. It was a gray morning, so I put on "The Chauffer" by Duran Duran and we wiggled in time.

  • Take a Stroll... with Rob Delaney - That's Some Killer Chicken

    I've eaten a lot of Zankou Chicken. Zankou Chicken is a chain of restaurants in Los Angeles that serve amazing Armenian fast food. I'd be more than content to have a chicken Tarna plate with their signature garlic paste for my last meal on Earth.
