This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Well, it's finally here. Come midnight Saturday, (a cruel time to implement this by the way) Victorians will no longer be able to smoke inside pubs, bars or nightclubs. Obviously the smokers are angry about all of this, but nobody is more pissed, apparently, than the band The Pretty Things from the UK who have written a protest anthem called "All Light Up" in the name of upset smokers everywhere.

Unfortunately, it's unlikely we're ever going to see the band performing "All Light Up" live here though as they were sentenced to a lifetime ban from Australia and New Zealand when they tore the place up during a tour here in the 60s. Ask your parents I guess!

All is not lost though because Philip Morris have done their bit to ease the blow by inventing a nifty little device called the Heatbar. The idea behind the Heatbar is that you stick your cigarette into it so it can "gently toast" your cigarette, thereby allowing you to smoke without producing any smoke. Voila! Now, so long as you can get over the fact that you look retarded while you're giving yourself bad diseases, I guess you have your solution!

Our friends at Click Click are mourning the death of the cigarette with a countdown this Saturday night.