This story is over 5 years old.


Turns Out the Internet Can’t Help You If You Threaten to Shoot Up Your School

Well... good to know, I guess?

Ah, the internet. What would we do without it?

For us young folks, the mighty interweb is our connection to our friends, the bringer of all our entertainment and the solver of all our problems. Well, most of our problems.

As it turns out, the internet can't really help you if you threaten to shoot up your school. Even if you were, like, totally joking about it you guys.

Earlier this week, as the Edmonton Journal reported, Edmonton Police responded to a social media threat at MacEwan University and then, the next day, arrested and charged John Quest, a 19-year-old student.


It seems, late Monday night, Quest made an anonymous threat on a site called Chillabit that said "one more upvote and I'll shoot up my school." The post quickly came to the attention of Edmonton police and they upped their presence at the school and sent out an email to all student and staff warning them of the risk.

Once Quest awoke the next morning, he realized his boo-boo and it seemed he turned to where all people turn when they're in times of need, Reddit.

A user who is allegedly Quest made the post on the subreddit Legal Advice with the title "Made a joke on social media that nearly put my school on lockdown, what should I be doing?"

"In a state of fatigue I made a joke about a school shooting in an anonymous post on a social media around 2:30am," it reads. "The post was deleted before 3am because it upset some people."

The user states that he called the school to explain what happened and agreed to go to campus security before class. What he wanted advice on was his next move.

"Now that I've called the school, what should I be doing for damage control? Obviously I'm freaking out a little bit so any advice you can give is appreciated. Thank you."

Reddit offered a few sincere suggestions like to hide anything he doesn't want police to find and to get a lawyer, but it didn't take long for members to begin taking turns shitting on the "OP."

"You sir, are a fucking idiot. Pro tip: Jokes are usually supposed to be funny. Enjoy the legal implications of your amazing 'joke,'" reads one.



Also, they were very, very upset that that user called to calm the fears of the school and admit it was him, calling that part of his plan "one of the worst ideas."

"Next time, shut your mouth and get a lawyer."

Quest was arrested at his home in Sherwood Park and was charged with one count of uttering threats which could potentially result in ten years in prison. Det. Stuart Pearce, with Edmonton Police, told the Journal that Quest could "potentially go to jail for this"

So, in light of all this, maybe kiddos the best bet isn't to turn to Reddit for legal advice, but just not threaten to shoot your school in the first place.

Because, turns out, the internet can't help you get out of that one.

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