This story is over 5 years old.


Ben Rayner's Power Ballads On Sale Now!

After a slew of zines, including this one, Ben Rayner has released his first ever proper book. At 80 pages long, Power Ballads is the first in a series of 12 monthly books and is available now through Ben's new Rayner Books imprint. As is the "in thing" these days, he's having a party to celebrate its launch at Recession Studio on Cambridge Heath Road tonight. It starts at 7pm, ends at 10pm and Ben personally promises "Beer, Books, Good times!" Here are some photos from Power Ballads that Ben has attached short, helpful explanations to. Thanks, Ben!



I took this picture at ATP last year. It's really funny cause his face is almost exactly that of Andrew WK on the card.

"Man in Blue Jacket"

I met this guy on the street in New York last winter and he started telling me he was the "king" and insisted I took more photos of him. He was pretty cool.

"Rat Hiding in Biker Jacket"

This was my friend's old pet rat Dino who has sadly passed away now. May your memory live on young rat.

"Chris Pants Down"

This is the cover of the book for obvious reasons. We were all doing karaoke for someone's birthday and it was literally about 45 degrees in the karaoke room and also it was raining outside so we were all soaked, so we all took our shirts off. Chris took it one step further.

"Kingsley Fucked Up"

I took this picture of Kingsley a couple of weeks after he smashed his whole face up. I happened to be in a huge K-hole when I took this photo and was just kinda hanging out on the road by myself. Kingsley walked me home after this.


I have no idea why but I really love this balloon picture. I took this at some fashion party I think.