Panda to Sochi: Day 6


This story is over 5 years old.


Panda to Sochi: Day 6

Touring Vienna's basement skate bowls and graffiti spots.

After a 25-hour trip to Vienna, the thought of a hotel bed is always far more preferable than the prospect of spending your night in a basement. But not all basements are Johannes Wahl's basement, in that the majority of them don't contain homemade concrete skate pools.

When we met up with Johannes he was still partying after the the premiere of his own skate movie, but he let us in anyway, which was kind of him. He also invited Markus Keller to skate the pool, which MK described afterwards as "like having sex for the first time".


After that we headed to a local open-air skatepark. BMX rider Stefan Lantschner started riding the concrete and I asked some of the assembled kids what they thought of him. They all told me that they'd only seen him in videos before and were super excited to be watching him person. We thought their excitement warranted more excitement, so handed them some goody bags.

After a couple of hours and a couple more giveaways, we set off to Budapest. Waiting for us on our arrival was [Miss KK]( 152642984791872), one of Hungary's few female street artists. That night she took me on her rounds, and we pasted up some of her "doll" designs on walls near the shopping district.

Next, we're off to Sibiu, Romania!