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Trump's Campaign Reportedly Got Millions in Donations After the Debate

Trump's campaign claims that donors brought in more than $18 million in just 24 hours after Monday night's presidential debate.
Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia

Hillary Clinton may have won over young voters after Monday night's debate, but Trump's performance garnered him a surge in campaign donations, according to his campaign.

"As a result of Donald Trump's huge debate win last night, we had a massive fundraising day bringing in more than $18 million," the Republican nominee's campaign announced, Politico reports.

Although Clinton came out on top after the debate according to most polls, and despite Trump's continuing onslaught of sexist comments following the performance, donors reportedly funneled in over 25 percent of his entire $70 million August fundraising haul in just 24 hours.

In recent weeks, Trump's been under scrutiny for just what he uses his campaign funds for and how some of that money may be winding up back in his tiny, tiny hands. According to Politico, the candidate has managed to reinvest $8.2 million in donations back into his own franchise and could do the same with government dollars, too.

No word yet on how much money the Clinton campaign raised following the debate, but Trump still has a long way to go to catch up with her $143 million August fundraising pool.

Read: A Brief Guide to Donald Trump's Deeply Weird Campaign Finance Operation