This story is over 5 years old.


Emil Kozak's Terrifying Trips into Darkness

Emil Kozak got the photos for his Big Black Nothing project by wandering through an unfamiliar dark place at night—he'd go as far as he could before getting too creeped out, then snap a picture before quickly returning to safety.

42°28'12.15"N 2°26'57.81"W   by Emil Kozak

Emil Kozak 's photo series, Big Black Nothing, give us the chills in the best way. Emil got these shots by wandering through an unfamiliar dark place at night—he'd go as far as he could before getting too creeped out, then snap a picture before quickly returning to safety. His photos have the same visceral thrill of a scary movie or a haunted house and remind us just how fun it is to scare the shit out of yourself. In honor of Halloween, we asked Emil to tell us the stories behind some of his spookiest photos and he kindly obliged.


46°52'37.1575''N 9°52'16.6087''E  

Around dusk, I ventured into a Swiss valley. I went deeper and deeper in, and in a matter of five minutes, a dense fog surrounded me and the lights from a couple of houses behind me slowly starting disappearing. I took this photograph as fast as I could, so I would still be able to find my way back.

46°52'23.9826''N 9°52'38.0064''E  

This was the house that guided me back from the valley.

43°25'35.0159''N 1°36'38.3609''W 

Halfway through one of the exposures for this photograph, two heads popped up from behind the wall. It scared the living daylight out of me, and out of them as well. At least, I think it did…

38°49'56.7127''N 0°8'26.9761''E

This was such a eerie beach. Big parts of the shore was covered in cement. It was like being on a different planet.

41°25'30.7466''N 2°6'30.2738''E  

The mountains around Barcelona are a strange place at night. You will eventually bump into either really weird people or some wild boars. On this night, I ran into a female boar with piglets. Sounds cute, but you don't want to mess with a mamma boar.

29° 9'39.53"N 13°26'22.69"W   

I went on a guided group tour in subterranean lava tunnels. I decided to venture away from the group and lurk around on my own. All of a sudden, I found myself in a large room with four chairs and a table.

Here's some more spooky stuff for you. Buwahaha!

B. J. Slime's Moosedumps

Implausible Literary Halloween Costumes No One Will Recognize

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