This story is over 5 years old.


Merry Catmas and Feline Navidad from Fashion Cats!

This year, instead of blasting out a generic, dated, and totally lame E-card to friends and family, why not step it up and send a dazzling, supurrrrrrr cute and festive "Fashion Cats" holiday gif?

Christmas is just around the corner and if you’re anything like us, you probably haven’t done shit to prepare. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. This year, instead of blasting out a generic, dated, and totally lame E-card to friends and family, why not step it up and send a dazzling, supurrrrrrr cute and festive Fashion Cats holiday gif? They’re fun (think: sparkling lights and falling gingerbread men), require absolutely no work from you at all, and there’s one for everyone! Send one meow!


As a bonus, why not throw in a copy of Fashion Cats? The cutest book of the cutest cats wearing the cutest outfits ever! We’re still waiting on the results, but we’re pretty sure it’s winning (the contest we just made up) for the most universally liked/cutest book ever created. Who wouldn’t want that in their stocking?

Sold at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Or click here to purchase a copy.

To send these Happy Holicat gifs to your best friends, right click, copy link, and paste to wherever you want!

Happy Hanukcat!

Feline Navidad!

Happy Kitty-Kwanza!

Merry Chrismacat!

Happy Holidays, Meow!