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Phew, You Can Finally Buy a Hoodie with a Built-In Vape

We all needed some more weed technology.
Thumbnail image via VapRwear's Instagram.

Just when you thought every sort of vape and marijuana smoking technology had been thoroughly beaten to death by bad DJs, club girls, and really greasy e-cig guys in pubs, there's more. PSFK reported that two companies—VapRwear and Hood Horkers—are developing hoodies with built-in vaporizing and bowl-smoking apparatuses hidden in the drawstrings of the hoods. Now, instead of wearing a $30 hoodie and smoking a one-hitter on your fire escape, you can splurge on the $125 hoodie and smoke through your sweatshirt in a rat-strewn alley at dawn, since you couldn't pay rent after that $125 hoodie.

Here Are Five In-Depth Stories About Weed:

1. Watch Our Documentary About the Real Nancy Botwin 2. Watch Our Documentary About Stoned Moms
3. Smoking Weed Can Be a Lot of Fun, but Let's Not Pretend It Doesn't Fuck You Up 4. Thanks to Congress, DC's Weed Legalization Is Going to Be a Nightmare 5. Can Vermont Bring Legal Weed to the Northeast?