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Tonight: Psychosurgical Cinema at Spectacle

Tonight I invite you to bring your brain to the Spectacle Theater, where you will be seated in a darkened room and given the opportunity to gaze at a piece of white cloth being bombarded with photons!

Dear Friends,

Tonight I invite you to bring your brain to the Spectacle Theater, where you will be seated in a darkened room and given the opportunity to gaze at a piece of white cloth being bombarded with photons! Explore the neurological basis of reality, question the nature of consciousness, redefine your notions of identity, and be reborn with an amnesiac tabula rasa! Those who come early at 7:30 will see a sneak preview of the new episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, an exploration of sclerotial mysteries beyond the realm of human understanding. Followed by a night of movies dedicated to psychosurgery: The Lobotomist (2008): A documentary composed of previously unreleased footage of history's most controversial surgical procedure: the lobotomy. The documentary follows the rise and fall of Dr. Walter Freeman, the most prolific lobotomist in history.   Brain Dead (1990): Bill Pullman stars as a neuroscientist attempting to extract a code from the brain of an insane mathematician played by Bud Cort. When Pullman's experimental neurosurgical procedure goes awry he is sent on a maddening journey through his own mind. With a screenplay written by Twilight Zone legend Charles Beaumont in the years before his own brain was destroyed by Pick's Disease (sending him on a mental journey eerily parallel to that of Bill Pullman in Brain Dead.) Beaumont's Brain Dead also served as the uncredited inspiration for Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (I think). See you there!

Spectacle Theater
124 South 3rd St.
Brooklyn, NY