Tyler, the Creator Made a Rainbow White Power Cross Shirt to Prove He's Not a Homophobe
Photo via the Golf Wang Tumblr


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Tyler, the Creator Made a Rainbow White Power Cross Shirt to Prove He's Not a Homophobe

He made the shirt to play with the "idea of taking the power out of something so stupid."

Tyler, the Creator and Odd Future got a lot of shit for their homophobic slurs and violent rape fantasies when they first burst onto the hip-hop scene. The whole thing was pretty obviously a bunch of kids trying to elbow their way into the public eye by being as offensive and shocking as they could, but ultimately their success was probably due more to the fact that they are all preternaturally talented artists than it was to any of their upside-down crosses.


Tyler has been adamant in the past that his use of "faggot" is part of a conscious effort to strip the word of its power. Now, Noisey reports that Tyler's continuing his crusade of repurposing controversial imagery with a shirt design he posted on his Golf Media App. The shirt is a neo-Nazi version of the Celtic cross superimposed over a gay pride rainbow.

In a statement today on the Golf Wang Tumblr, Tyler said the shirt (and its accompanying photo) is him "playing with the idea of taking the power out of something so stupid." He caps off his blog post with a simple declaration of "RACISM FUCKING SUCKS." The shirt is not yet for sale on the Golf Wang site.

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