Vito Fun's Summer Photo Dump 2012


This story is over 5 years old.


Vito Fun's Summer Photo Dump 2012

The days of snow cones and skinny dipping in the East River are history, people. Winter came in fierce a couple of weeks ago with its bitch mistress Sandy, and from here on out it's going to be all hot toddies and whatever humanity-threatening death...

The days of snow cones and skinny dipping in the East River are history, people. Winter came in fierce a couple of weeks ago with its bitch mistress Sandy, and from here on out it's going to be all hot toddies and whatever humanity-threatening death-flu happens to pop up this year. So, as we did with our other resident fun-time photographer, we mourn summer's passing with this photo set taken from the past few months of Vito Fun's life.


Photos by Vito Fun