Clancy Martin

  • Listen to James Franco Read Our 2014 Fiction Issue

    Here's another reason to blow your rent money on an iPad. For this summer's fiction issue, we asked our good friend and VICE columnist James Franco to choose a few of his favorite stories and read...

  • Letter from the Chateau Marmont

    When we recently stayed at the Chateau we brought our friends Carol and Tony to the lobby. At the table next to ours, two round-bellied men in their 40s, dressed like they’d just come from a baseball game, were gossiping about the movies they were...

  • Introducing VICE's Annual Fiction Issue

    VICE's 2014 fiction issue is all about hollywood and its writers.

  • How to Buy Jewelry Like a Jeweler

    For years I owned a chain of luxury jewelry stores in one of the wildest, most flamboyant, most duplicitous jewelry markets of them all: Dallas, Texas. With Valentine's Day coming up, I will tell you what sort of jewelry scams are popular throughout...

  • Three Gothic Tales from Austin, Texas

    Amie and Clancy Martin went to Austin recently. While there, they were almost kicked out of a hipster hotel, ate delicious sushi, and accompanied a friend to get a tattoo. Here are three reviews from their trip, one from each of their adventures.

  • Porn and Free Sashimi and My Wedding in Las Vegas

    Although my husband and I had already been married in India, in a ceremony that I thought was beautiful and perfect because it was simple, to make everything official we went to Vegas. If my account of our legal wedding has a curious sadness, what can...

  • Shiva’s Wedding

    We’d been in India for a month, and it looked like the wedding wasn't going to happen. The last two times I’d been married my brides had been enthusiastic—they were insistent, even. Now I was getting married for a third time to a woman who didn’t want...

  • Amie Barrodale and Clancy Martin at the Russian Bathhouse

    Getting beaten by a bunch of Russian strangers is totally relaxing.