front of book

  • Peru Announced Plans to Send an Envoy to an Uncontacted Tribe

    Peru recently announced plans for its first official contact with the Mashco-Piro people. Local officials had long opposed interacting with the group, one of Peru's 15 uncontacted tribes, which know of the wider world but remain aloof from it.

  • Selling Safe Sex to the Developing World

    DKT International, an NGO that provides birth control throughout the developing world, is among the organizations trying to contain the country’s population bomb, and it’s doing so with condom commercials that are too hot for Pakistani TV.

  • Sparkology Is for Yuppies Who Can't Get Laid

    Alex Furmansky founded Sparkology, a dating website for “young urban professionals” that requires members to either receive invites from members or to have a degree from an elite university. I didn’t know what a young urban professional is or why they...
