This story is over 5 years old.

Powder and Rails

Bryan Iguchi

At the height of his career Bryan Iguchi traded snowboard park notoriety for mountain man obscurity by permanently relocating to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

At the height of his freestyle snowboarding career, SoCal-bred Bryan Iguchi traded snowboard park notoriety for mountain man obscurity by permanently relocating to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Most of his sponsors dropped him as a result, leaving him, as Pat Bridges said, left quite literally alone in the wilderness. As the sponsorship checks disappeared Iguchi made ends meet by printing t-shirts for Bluebird and taking an apprenticeship as a sushi chef. But The Guch was now able to pursue his own mountaineering agenda, resulting in the pioneering of 90% of the filming spots now used in the Jackson Hole backcountry. He soon went on to band with some locals and mentor a previously unknown rider by the name of Travis Rice.