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VICE Fashion - Animal Phobias

What’s the point of being a bird if you can’t fly?
Κείμενο Milos Mali

Photographer: Milos Mali

Stylist: Snake Blood

Lauren: Mottephobia – fear of moths or butterflies. “I hate nothing more than finding a moth or butterfly stuck in my room. Something about the way they flap all over the place terrifies me. I have heard it has something to do with a fear of sex or something but I think that’s bullshit.” Lauren wears Schwipe skirt and Lulatsch top. Minka: Ophidiophobia – fear of snakes. “I’m pretty sure it’s normal to have a phobia of snakes. Isn’t it? I guess it has something to do with that snakey little way they move—it’s weird. Oh, and the fact that their venom can kill you.” Minka wears Jaakan shorts, Milk & Honey top and Polaroid sunglasses. Chris: Alektorophobia – fear of chickens. “I think I hate chickens so much because they are basically diseases on skinny legs. They are horrendous. What’s the point of being a bird if you can’t fly?” Chris wears Material Boy jeans and t-shirt, We perforated knit and Swear shoes. Mic: Doraphobia – fear of fur or skins of animals. “I have always had a fear of guinea pigs and rabbits. I guess it might be something to do with their fur—that and their beady eyes. I think the rabbit skin hat is genious.” Mic wears Material Boy skinny track pants and rabbit hat, Alpha 60 top and Puma shoes. Helen: Ornithophobia – fear of birds. Amychophobia – fear of scratches or being scratched. “I think my fear of emus stems from a desire not to be scratched to death. They can travel at speeds up to thirty miles an hour and if confronted, they will kick. Hard! Helen wears Gorman t-shirt, We jacket, Sass & Bide jeans, Nikes and P.A.M necklace. Lauren: Zoophobia – fear of all animals (we couldn’t find one for kangas). “I can’t believe I got this close to a kangaroo. For some reason they scare me more than anything else in the world. I think it started when I was young and watched a documentary about how kangaroos give birth. It scarred me for life.” Lauren wears Claude Maus leggings, Jaakan t-shirt, Nikes. Robbie: Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals. “Apparently giraffes can smell fear—I’m not sure what they do when they smell it but I must stink to them. They aren’t right somehow and I get full body shivers even just thinking about them.” Sebastian wears Claude Maus jeans, Schwipe ‘Islam Is OK’ t-shirt and hoodie and Reeboks. Thanks to Fat for providing most of the clothes for this shoot. Sebastian: Swinophobia – fear of pigs or swine. “Pigs are disgusting. The one in this shot spent the entire time licking the concrete and making these fucking ugly grunting noises. My dislike for pigs has surpassed even my expectations.” Sebastian wears Claude Maus jeans, Schwipe ‘Islam Is OK’ t-shirt and hoodie and Reeboks. Thanks to Fat for providing most of the clothes for this shoot.