This story is over 5 years old.


The Great Reader Survey 2011 - Blog and Mag Articles

On Tuesday we learned that you people are a bunch of sick bastards. The January cover--the one with a soldier leveling his gun at a dog--was your favorite of the year.
VICE Staff
Κείμενο VICE Staff

On Tuesday we learned that you people are a bunch of sick bastards. The January cover—the one with a soldier leveling his gun at a dog—was your favorite of the year. Putting that new, unpleasant knowledge behind us, today we turn our polls to the subject of editorial content, specifically blog posts and magazine articles.

Picking only five articles from the magazine and five from the blog put us in a Sophie's Choice sort of moral quandary. Nonetheless, after consulting soulless third parties like Google Analytics, we were able to put personal feelings aside and give you these top performers to choose from.


Take a Stroll… with Rob Delaney - I Am Suing Kim Kardashian

Meet the Nieratkos - Twins of Atlanta

London Fashion Week… On Acid!

Atlas Hoods - The Croatian Tattooed Grandma Cult

Girl News - Why Girls Act Dumb

Mike Judge Is My Xanax

The Heart of Bleakness

Domme School

The New Libyans

Life Is a Cosmic Giggle on the Breath of the Universe

Which article is your favorite?

Previously - The Great Reader Survey 2011 - Best Cover