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Hey Ron!

Hey Ron! - Is My Hoop Dream a Pipe Dream?

Κείμενο Ron Hemphill

This week's quandary comes from a talented college basketball player who thinks he has a shot at going pro. Ron's got special insight regarding this enterprise… Hey Ron! I noticed you're into sports. Me too. I've been playing ball for a while and my coaches and some scouts think I might be good enough to go pro…but I'm nervous because I'm also pursuing a business degree and I really think I have a solid future as a successful future CEO. Yeah, it might take a while to get there, but if my teammates are right, I'm the best leader there ever was. Do I let go of my farfetched dreams and stick with what seems like a sure thing or do I shoot for the three-pointers--and the stars? As a person who played college ball at Georgetown, I definitely suggest you follow your dreams because you don’t want to have any regrets later on down the line. If you really play that well you should continue, and you can still pursue your degree at another time. If basketball works out, you don’t have to become a CEO—you can buy a CEO from any company if you’re making that Jordan or LeBron James money. There are a lot of people who wished they could be in your spot, so go for it all. Don’t ever have any regrets in life. I always say that the only way your life is wasted is in prison. You will learn the business world while playing ball--you’re learning how to work with people, how to take rejection, and how to take a loss. It’s been a long time, and I probably wasn’t as good of a player as you are, but I still remember my favorite times playing ball were at tournaments. When the Puff Diddys of the world pay you $5,000 to $10,000 to play ball for them, and all the video girls come around, it’s the best. Like I said, I played well but I was on the B-side. I worked out with the Patrick Ewings but I never got to play with the top dogs. You are in a unique position and must take advantage of it. The perks are limitless. I don’t know about your college, but at some schools you can skate through without going to class, you don’t pay for food—you definitely don’t eat that school junk, you eat real food. And women? The school is your oyster, dude. All you have to do is open up your door and there will be one in bed waiting for you. You will have “relationships” seven days a week. If I missed anything about school that’s probably it—you don’t have to join a fraternity, you are a fraternity. If you’re on the basketball team, you will have women at your feet. Look at the Dennis Rodmans of the world, the Patrick Ewings—some of the ugliest people in the world and they kept beautiful women around them. Sure, they were just looking at those dudes as a meal ticket, but they knew it and didn’t care. Take advantage of it. That’s what I did. Love,
Ron (Email your quandaries for Ron here, and put Hey Ron! in the subject line.)