Michael Tracey

  • Τι Κοινό Έχουν τα Βασανιστήρια της CIA και η Αστυνομική Βία

    Τι κι αν οι πολιτικοί έσπευσαν να μιλήσουν κατά των βασανιστηρίων και της βίας. Όλοι ξέρουν ότι τίποτα δεν θα αλλάξει στις ΗΠΑ.

  • Reasons to Love the Sequester’s Massive Budget Cuts

    Many ordinary working folk will suffer needlessly as a result of furloughs and pay cuts, but the sequester also slashes the budget for the DEA and the FBI, which is probably a good thing.

  • Trying to Report on the Sandy Hook Shooting

    What do you say about a dead six-year-old? That’s what I was trying to figure out when I headed up to Newtown—the site of the most infamous shooting in years—earlier this week. Almost every resident I spoke to Monday reported some kind of connection...

  • Mitt Romney Needs to Go on an Apology Tour

    Weeks later, the failed candidate should finally account for his wrongdoings, instead of continuing to blame his loss on “gifts” Obama supposedly gave minorities. Isn’t it time for Romney to do something truly drastic and redemptive? I think so. The...

  • Lost in the Flood: New Jersey After Sandy

    In Atlantic City, the shock of Sandy's impact had not yet worn off. Police imposed a 6 PM curfew. Once-busy intersections were virtually barren, though some traffic lights did somehow work, unlike the ones in lower Manhattan. The Atlantic City...

  • Just How Useless Are the Political Media?

    The biases of typical campaign-trail reporters have nothing to do with liking Democrats or hating Republicans. They’re as indifferent to candidates and ideologies as rats are to what kind of cheese they’re eating. Above all, these people obsess over...