
  • The Family Man Responds

    You really want to take my children into the street? Go ahead, my wife needs some peace and I work nights all this week. Good luck with that, though. I seriously think you have no fucking idea what you're getting yourself into. First off my daughter is...

  • Watch This Hero

    When you first start listening to Preacher Phil Snider's speech on gay marriage, you'll probably want to duck out because he sounds like a hateful lunatic who thinks that gays and pedophiles are cut from the same cloth. But stick it out, it's worth it.

  • XXYYXX Says He's the Head of the Illuminati

    XXYYXX is not only a 16-year-old producer with an annoying name, he's also a musical prodigy. While a lot of kids his age are skipping school to huff glue (that's what I did), he devotes himself to making ghostly, Weeknd-esque slow-jams, like a web 2....

  • Did This Teenage Brainiac Cure Cancer?

    Fifteen-year-old Jack Andraka invented a tool to diagnose cancer that is 160 times faster, 100 times less expensive, and 400 times more sensitive than previous cancer-testing procedures. We asked him how he got so smart.

  • What Kids Say About Their Town

    I ricocheted between my divorced parents, both of whom were gadabout grifters, so I grew up all over this country and others. It made for a lot of social anxiety in a child, but I understood that different people do things differently, and it’s all...

  • There's a Camp for That

    if you can afford to keep your kid out of the workforce, why not send them to the trendiest, most sickeningly competitive and failure-ridden sector of the economy?