
  • VICE Mail

    Dear Vice, Just writing to commend you on your excellent contribution to the modern magazine world. Haha. Just kidding. I don’t read your magazine, but the cartoons in the back make me laugh.

  • VICE Mail

    Dear VICE, I noticed the global trend report was missing from this year’s Fashion Issue. THANK YOU. THAT SHIT SUCKED.

  • VICE Mail

    My mom’s got a crush on Suroosh Alvi. I’m 100 percent sure it’s because of that VBS special he did about the gun markets in Pakistan.

  • VICE Mail

    After canceling August's letters page due to a lack of decent submissions, the epistles started rolling in.

  • VICE Mail

    How old are the editors writing your headlines? I get irony, I helped re-invent it after the 70s were over. You guys have given the words “gay” and “lame” the same meaning.

  • VICE Mail

    We don’t know what she’s talking about, but this is the first handwritten letter we’ve gotten in years and look how pretty it is. It’s like an antique. I wonder if she used a feather dipped in ink to write it.

  • VICE Mail

    OK, you got me. The trash pileup in the middle of the ocean is scary. But what are we supposed to do about it? Just be scared? Solutions please.

  • VICE Mail

    I bought some nice clothes at an American Apparel store in Camarillo, California. The gentleman was very helpful and courteous but then he put this disgusting magazine in my bag.

  • Vice Mail

    PALAHNIUK PAROXYSM, Re: Your Fiction Issue. Chuck Palahniuk seems to be using a lot of the tried and true techniques that gained him his career, but it’s time to move on. Think bigger.