Strange News

  • Alabama’s Strip Clubs of Death

    Most of the time, shootings in strip clubs are rare occurrences, the result of a drunk who’s thrown out of the club and comes back with a gun for revenge. But in Alabama the strip-club murder rate is completely out of control. Curious to see the sites...

  • Please Stop Believing

    I like to think of myself as an equal-opportunity offender, that all religions are just different sides of the same million-or-so-headed coin to me. The specifics of what ancient person has what magic power according to whatever secret text is simply a...

  • The ATL Twins Would Like to Introduce You to the Li’l Twins

    The world has always been a really scary place, but it just got a little more terrifying now that we've been introduced to the Li’l Twins—the best buds of our favorite double-penetrating duo, the ATL Twins—in Matt Swinsky's twisted-ass video series...

  • A Jailbait Loving Perv Destroyed Amanda Todd's Life

    The vigilante justice of Anonymous is simply a band-aid on a very serious and quickly growing problem online that is putting vulnerable young girls like Amanda Todd in a very complicated and destructive type of danger.

  • What’s Happening with Nicolas Cage’s Face

    Nicolas Cage likes to lure his victims into a small basement apartment where he pretends to be lonely and appreciative of their company and insists they stay. Once they’ve fallen asleep, he unhinges his jaw and his mouth grows 40 inches in diameter...

  • Take Jesus's Wife, Please

    The tale of finding the ancient papyrus at Smithsonian is window-dressing to the actual narrative embedded throughout: the sexism of Christianity.