The Goat Demon Issue

  • Life Interviewed

    The Rapture were in town recently for Parkilfe festival and wary of subjecting them to yet another of what must be hundreds of tiresome interviews, we asked our life-drawing model friend KK to do the questioning while they drew her likeness.

  • Vice Comics

    Bunky and Scarface.

  • Nothing To Do With Roy

    Joy Orbison is a young guy called Pete who has a label, Doldrums, that you should all start getting exited about.

  • Toot! Parp! Ggghhzzznn Mmmsssccck!

    The Eigenharp is the ultimate synth-geek fantasy made real. It resembles what Rick Wakeman might’ve ended up playing if JG Ballard had directed one of his Journey to the Centre of the Earth -era promo videos.

  • Lemmy

    I thought about trying to make the intro to this interview sound like an impartial journalist wrote it. But fuck that. Lemmy is my hero and I'm not going to try and hide it.

  • LA Pink

    If it appears I am unfairly reviewing more Burning Angel videos than other company’s pornos, you would be correct. Joanna Angel is no dummy. She pays me with blowjobs.

  • The Duchess Of York

    Bloody Wounds is a strange person, and she makes strange music that is so undefined by conventional genre, you end up finding yourself in it.

  • Men and Urinals

    I have been minorly obsessed with urinals for some time now. There are many questions I have pondered for years. Such as: How is it that the males of the species just stand together in groups, with penis in hand, peeing?

  • Vice Fashion - Another Night At Ihop

    Photos by Aliya NaumoffStyling by Anette Lamothe-Ramos