Volume 15 Τεύχος 4

  • I Love Fashion

    First, a clarification. To say "I love fashion" is much like saying "I love dogs," or "I love democracy." To love democracy is not to love it at all times and under every banner, like, say, when the wrong man wins the popular vote. And loving dogs does...

  • Global Trend Report '08 - New York

    New York girls these days don't want to look cutesy and innocent-they want to be dark and fucked-up and maybe on speed and heroin.

  • Up-and-Comers

    Vice: When did you get into fashion? Telfar: I started designing clothes in high school—I basically used to make everything I wore.

  • Hunting High And Low

    They Came From The Stars I Saw Them have been around for nine years and have never strictly found fame, which isn't the most promising sell for a band. Weirdly, the London group have managed to retain this odd name-drop status within certain indie...

  • Next To No Time

    Ya Ho Wa 13 was the music outlet of the Source Family, a communal group that numbered 160 at its height in the early 70s and lived together in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

  • She's Ready to Pop

    I recently got an email from a friend I hadn’t spoken to in many years. I actually nearly forgot we were ever friends because during the time in my life we were friends I was out to lunch on goofballs.

  • Raw China

    There's a cafeteria on the second floor of the building open to civilians who don't have ID cards that also includes another cafeteria strictly for students who have ID cards, a bar, a bootlegged DVD shop, and a "Western"-style café.

  • Lost Odyssey

    Goddamnit, when I first started playing Lost Odyssey I was all fired up to write a review about how Hironobu Sakaguchi has lost his touch, but then, before the first disc ended, the game completely turned around and now I love it.

  • Records

    During the 2004 climax of Dipset mania, if someone told me that Cam’ron’s weed carrier would be the only dude in the crew anyone gave a shit about, I would have adjusted my oversize pink New Era to make sure I was hearing them right.