
  • What Copyright Means for Memes

    Since it was posted on April 5, 2011, a video called "Nyan Cat" has earned more than 89 million views, and set into motion one chapter in a long and sticky saga about the visual jokes, references, and ideas that fly around the internet--and the laws...

  • The Internet Is Not the Web

    You know how England is in the United Kingdom, but the United Kingdom isn’t England, even though people often slip up and act like they’re the same thing? The internet and the world wide web are kind of like that. They’re not the same thing.

  • Stop Sexting and Visit VICE.com on Your Phone

    Hey pervert, we just optimized our website for your mobile viewing pleasure. You'll never have a hard time finding the "The Westminster Dog Show... On Acid" or instructions on "How to Jerk Off at Work" again.