Ediciones VICE

Del futuro inviable a los futuros posibles en la Tierra

"No es la tecnología lo que hace posible la vida en el planeta, no es la tecnología la que hará posible el futuro y ningún futuro es viable si pretende construirse solo con tecnología".

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LG's Pricey Adjustable Curve OLED Flex Is a Multi-Class Specialist

You can make trade-offs to save money or money can be the trade-off. The OLED Flex does everything you could want a display to do, but at a cost.

'Star Wars Jedi: Survivor' Is Coming in Very Hot, But Dark Souls and Star Wars Is Still Fun

What to make of 10 hours with a video game that had performance issues, only to have many of those issues disappear right before release? A conundrum.

Square Enix’s AI Tech Demo Is a Staggering Failure

This version of 'The Portopia Serial Murder Case' doesn't feel like a game; it feels like a failed magic trick.

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