Gay Rights

  • Turkey Really Doesn't Want Gay People to Have Sex

    Last month Turkey's government banned Grindr, which is just the latest manifestation of the country's widespread homophobic censorship. But gay activist groups are fighting back.

  • I'm a Russian Lesbian Pretending to Be Straight to Avoid Persecution

    Almost every day, the Russian government releases new laws and government statements that make queer Russians’ lives more and more difficult—if not next to impossible. Right now, I’m a Russian lesbian visiting relatives in Russia. To survive the past...

  • Australia, Is Tony Abbott The Better Choice?

    Abbott and Rudd call themselves leaders but you have no idea what you’re getting. As a young, brown, broke, inner city dude, the pundits say I’m inclined towards Rudd and Labor but this recent PNG hop over to the far right muddled up what was already...