Star Trek

  • I Tried to Take Part in a Star Trek World Record

    Star Trek conventions are always a sight to behold for their sheer eccentricity and spectacle, but this year's 12th Annual Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas was unique. They attempted to break the world record for the most Star Trek costumes...

  • Comic-Con 2013 Cosplay Photo Dump

    Comic-Con is a special time of the year, but not just for sci-fi/fantasy enthusiasts. It's also like Christmas in July for photographers. Every eccentric within a 20 mile radius of Downtown San Diego can be seen puttering around the convention, either...

  • Ann Coulter Wants to Arrest Women for Wearing Hijabs

    Best-selling author Ann Coulter receives this week’s Ann Coulter Award for Excellence in Racism for declaring without reservation that the Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsnarnaev’s wife should be imprisoned for wearing a hijab.