
  • Junot Diaz Says, Writing Is a Lot Like Basketball

    The best interviews are the ones when you can talk about girls, white supremacy, and video games. Junot Diaz is an authority on all those things.

  • Anton Chekhov Versus Jeffrey Dahmer

    For some reason I think about the cannibalistic serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer every time someone mentions Anton Chekhov, a forefather of the contemporary short story. I can’t help but want to draw them out, to put them together in a cage and watch their...

  • A Black Flag Kid Wrote a Book of Poems

    By now you've probably heard about the Black Flag reunion that everyone is creaming themselves over. What you might not have heard, however, is that Chuck Dukowski's stepdaughter, Mira Gonzalez, is publishing her first book of poetry, and it's the bee...

  • Prelude to 'Solo Piano Music'

    Like much of the literary elite in Syria, Fawwaz Haddad has watched his country disintegrate over the past 20 months. His stories explore the limits placed on Syrian society, zig-zagging between high-minded principles and the dirty business of everyday...

  • Room Service with Tracey Emin and Gary Indiana

    The following is a conversation between Gary Indiana and Tracey Emin at the Standard Hotel. In it, the pair discuss everything from writer's block to the fucking habits of the young and old. Somewhere along the line they order room service, too.

  • James Greer: Making the World His Bitch (and Elephants)

    Talking to the former Guided by Voices guy about kicking life's challenges in the dick, his new collection of short stories, and something about Steven Soderbergh and Broadway.