This story is over 5 years old.


A Playlist Of Songs That Aren't Really About Weed

These tracks are a lot more sober than you thought.

B-Real of Cypress Hill. He's probably rapping about something else.

It just hit me that today is 4/20. I often get this day confused with 3/14 (Pi Day) because I celebrate them the same way (um, eating pie sober, duh?). I kinda got over the 4/20 culture once I moved out of college dorms, though now ironically, the greatest signifier that I’m home is the welcoming waft of weed smell suffocating my apartment hallway, thanks to my stoner neighbours. I know we already gave you the 4/20 rules for music, which I’m sure most of you have been following all week, but I have some friends out there who have been off the pot and in serious withdrawal due to work-related drug tests in the near future (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). I, too, will be celebrating this holiday sober, which is fine with me because I am high on life 24/7. NO SUBSTANCE NEEDED.

Thus, I give you the non-stoner’s playlist to 4/20, a list of songs that seem like they’re about getting high but actually aren’t. I realised there aren’t too many out there because most songs seem like they’re about chicks/life/whatever but are actually about drugs and weird sexual fantasies. Here are a few exceptions: