This story is over 5 years old.


Our TV Show Is Coming Back for Round Two

We're going to be invading your living room again next year.

Good afternoon, ladies and germs. We'd just like to borrow your attentions for a moment to let you know our TV show, VICE, has been renewed for a second season on HBO. It took a lot of work, some of us almost died a bunch of times, there were many sleepless nights, high points and low and now we're gearing up to do it all over again and can't wait. According to our co-founder, Shane Smith, "We learned a lot over the course of shooting Season One, and are insanely excited over our story selection for Season Two. Now that our various parasites, hernias and virulent rashes have been treated, we are ready in mind and in body to go out there and get the gold." Here, here. This is the part where we're supposed to thank you guys for watching, we think (we're kind of winging it here – never had to write one of these before). And although it's a cliched sentiment that people in sparkly clothes at fancy awards shows like to wax on about, it's true that we wouldn't be getting a second season if you people weren't watching our show and enjoying all the weird crap we get ourselves in to. So thank you. If you're in America, don't forget to watch tomorrow night's season finale, which is entirely devoted to our recent trip to North Korea. We'll see you next year.