This story is over 5 years old.


The Screaming Policeman of Bucharest

Behold his wordless rage.

You know how sometimes in nature, a weak animal will make loud noises to scare off a larger opponent; like a Chihuahua barking at a German Shepherd? Well, this guy, filmed by TV cameraman Robert Chirileanu at the recent protests in Bucharest, is the Chihuahua. Surrounded by his armed buddies, but not equipped himself as he leads the charge towards a gang of masked protesters, he decides to reach for the only remaining weapon in his arsenal: his voice.


Not that the police's opponents are much better. The protesters here in Bucharest just seem to be getting dumber by the day. Last night their genius tactic was to shout about the fuckability of the gendarmes' mothers and compare parents of either sex to human faeces. Then, having done everything in their power to aggravate the police, when they eventually fought back, the protesters started chanting “Stop the violence! Don’t hurt us you barbarians!” Oh, and to make sure their message of a “peaceful” protest was heard loud and clear, they also burned some poor guy's car out.

Most of the violent and hateful protesters are football anarchists. The gendarmes are famous for using a bit of ultraviolence to fight off these sports hooligans at especially heated games. Which makes me wonder: If one side is made up of brutal gendarmes fighting in the name of the President, and the other consists of some football hooligans looking for revenge, what the hell are the rest of the protesters doing on the streets getting hit with rocks and tonfas?