This story is over 5 years old.

My Dad Signs Bands

Once my Dad came home with a CD and he was like: "Listen to this!" We listened to it and it was really, really good. I wanted to hear it again, have the CD, meet them and see them live

Photo by Anita Crapper

Once my Dad came home with a CD and he was like: “Listen to this!” We listened to it and it was really, really good. I wanted to hear it again, have the CD, meet them and see them live. They were better than the Arctic Monkeys. The drumming and the guitars were great. It was great. The next day in school I told all my friends about it and they were like: “Wow.” A few days later my Dad brought home the CD again for my mum and me. My mum was going mental, she was listening to The View at full-blast. I did not mind one little bit though. I had discovered The View. Weeks went by and I was starting to love The View more and more. Then one day my Dad came home and said: “We’re going to meet The View in Brixton” and I was like: “Yes!” They were really nice and they played a really cool PS2 game with my brother, which he really got stuck into. After that we went to see them record “Wasted Little DJ’s” and they said we could choose three of their songs and they would play them. We chose “Posh Boys”, “Skag Trendy” and “Same James.” After that they played their new song at the time, “Gran’s for Tea.” I went to Canterbury one day to see The View and meet them on the grounds of a festival. It was so cool. While I was there I met a DJ called Karlene. She was really nice and drew a tattoo on my arm. It said “The View.” Crazy Mo (The View drummer) broke his foot the morning before the band played, which was a shame. I still really, really liked meeting them. They are a really cool band (The View) and really nice. I loved meeting and talking to them. I was at the caravan during the summer holidays, when the charts were on. I was just listening to all of the really boring bands and music. While I was waiting, I went to play football with my friends but when I got back, the chart was on 24, so I waited until they (The View) were on. I was so pleased when I found out they were number 15. I jumped up and down, I was so, so, so happy. I ran round the caravan site telling all of my friends. The View are really nice and I am lucky to have met them. TRAVIS ENDEACOTT, 9