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You Need to Hear This

TRAAMS And Battle Lines Go Back To Back

TRAAMS really need to shower. Battle Line hate morph suits. This is what happens when we let bands quiz each other.

TRAAMS TRAAMS make the kind of music that unhinged mental patients would make if they formed a band. Battle Lines create moody swerve pop for people that appeciate a good hook. They both recently played our You Need To Hear This stage of Beacons, so you already know that they can rock a party, for evidence of said party rocking check here. To get an insight into both band's complex artistic physches they asked each other about morph suits, showers and whose dad really is the hardest. Y'know the important stuff in life. We let TRAAMS start with the question asking as they asked nicely. What five bands would play at your dream festival?
Portishead first then My Bloody Valentine, Boards of Canada, Liars and finally Radiohead, in that order. That would probably beat the mud fuelled shenanigans of Reading for me as I'd be listening to music that really excites me. What is your favourite Martin Scorsese film? and why?
It'd be either Taxi Driver or Raging Bull, as i love DeNiro. Now I might fire up my Netflix after this to watch them again though I'd probably skip Meet The Parents though. What ales do you recommend at the bar?
My ale of choice? A Mary Jane at the Kirkstall Brewery, I think? I've had too many Mary Jane's in my life to remember where it is but it's worth checking out if you can find it. Which one of your dads is the hardest?
Luke's mum's boyfriend is 6'6"and an ex-national basketball player, I'd go with that. He could probably beat us all up and play basketball with our heads.


How do you feel about guys in onesies?
They're slightly more saner than guys in morph suits though that's not saying much, I guess.

Battle Lines then got a chance to quiz TRAAMS back, they went for the in-depth questions that us journalists are always afraid to ask. What's your favourite body part? And why?
Belly button, holds the key to all the belly secrets.

What's the best fancy dress you've seen at a festival?
Edlilo dressed as a ice cream van, no ice creams were served that day and lot of people were left dissapointed.

Legs for fingers or fingers for legs??
Dads for justice.

What's the longest you've been without a shower?
6 days, that was a fun week. Thanks guys!